What is written on this page is both easy and complicated. Most people who will read this page will have no problem understanding the little things that I've written down here. But it are the consequences of these little facts that are so hard to understand for us humans. We have learned to think of time as something linear, always running at the same speed and with no crossroads in its path. Anything that deviates from this eventually gets confusing, and for every step we proceed into this uncommon direction of thinking, tons of new questions emerge.
One of the things you have noticed if you've read all the pages on this site is that I often do not say that vortices move faster in the lower dimensions (yang) or that they move slower in the higher dimensions (yin). Instead, I say that time runs faster and time runs slower. With this, I'm basically saying the same thing.... plus a lot more.
The reason I say that in those vortices time runs faster or time runs slower is because each of those vortices influences time for everything much smaller that exists within that vortex. We know that time influences vortices, but vortices also influence time. Except that these two time influences happen on a different time branch. These time branches are the key to understanding some of the major mysteries in astronomy. And it is on this page that I will make an attempt to explain the basic concept of time branches.
Time Branches
That time influences vortices is easy to understand. Without time a vortex would not move, it would not change. Vortices alter in appearance over time. Matter that is pushed or pulled by a vortex travels along the path of a vortex over time. This time that we humans perceive, the time that makes everything in our visible world around us move is one single time branch. We humans are used to think that there is only one such time branch. It is logical that we think there is only one such time branch because we only experience one time branch. The reason for this is that this time branch is controlled by vortices that are much larger than us. Vortices that are astronomical in size. And we can not be in two equally sized astronomical vortices at the same time.
The image below shows what I mean what I just said in the last paragraph. The image tries to explain this by using only a schematic representation of elements. For this you need to imagine that the upper, biggest line is a large vortex. Inside this vortex are two smaller vortices that exist on a much smaller scale level, existing as residential matter. These two vortices are represented by the two lines below the large line. Both these vortices have another two smaller vortices within them, which also exist as residential matter, and those vortices have each yet another two smaller vortices contained within them. The larger vortices push or pull the smaller vortices. On the lowest level we see a total of 16 lines, representing 16 vortices that are smaller than all the other above them. The total number of vortices in this example is 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 31 vortices.
These 31 vortices form a hierarchy. There are 16 different paths in this hierarchy, each scale level forms a different node in these paths. These 16 different paths represent 16 different time branches. Any living organism that is contained within one of these vortices will experience a time branch that is controlled by all the vortices above him on the larger levels. But the vortices below him do not influence his time branch. There are actually more than 16 time branches in this example. There are 16 time branches only if you only count those branches that are made out of 5 levels, and thus that include the lowest level. If we place an observer on any of the higher levels than that observer will experience a different time branch than any observer on a lower level. So the total number of time branches here is 31, same as the number of vortices.
Only very large vortices influence our time branch. The smallest vortex that does that has to be at least astronomical in size. Smaller vortices do not influence our time branch, but they do influence the time branch for anything that is much smaller than us and resides within that vortex. Hurricanes or tornadoes have a strong impact on movement and forces in the world around us, but they do not influence our time branch. A hurricane, despite its large size, is still way too small to push or pull a human being towards the higher or lower dimensions. Otherwise people would be able to disappear inside a hurricane, but something anywhere near that does not happen.
Take a look at this next image below. Here, the red dot represents us. The line segment on which this dot is placed represents the vortex that brings forth the gravitational pull of our sun. The two lines above are vortices that exist on even larger scale levels. One of these vortices should be the swirl spiral that shapes our galaxy (we don't know if there are any levels in between this swirl spiral and the gravitational pull of our sun, but it is a possibility). Only those three levels influence our time branch, all the levels below us do not. As you can see in the picture, it is impossible to be in two different time branches at the same time. This is because vortices that exist on the same scale level can not overlap (smaller vortices can be inter-weaved within larger vortices).
Thus we are inside large vortices, and these vortices push or pull us towards the higher (more yin) or lower (more yang) dimensions. The effect of this is not that we see ourselves contract or expand. We do not see ourselves alter in appearance or become smaller or bigger, tighter or loose. And we do not see things starting to move faster or slower like we would expect from the behavior of the higher or lower dimensions. Instead what we see is that the universe around us changes. And this change is what we experience as dimensional shifting. If you haven't read the page about morphing yet, do it now before you read on. The reason that dimensional shifting can not be observed here on earth is because of what I just told you about the smaller vortices. The smaller vortices do not influence our time branch, they can not push or pull us towards the higher or lower dimensions. Dimensional shifting can only be observed by looking through the lens of a telescope, because only vortices that are astronomical in size can push or pull us and thus influence our time branch. Time is thus a macrocyclic effect.
A question that is likely to emerge is: how many scale levels are there above us and how many are there below us? Well, that we do not know. It could be that the number in both directions is infinite. I myself find this to be the most logical answer. Second possibility would be that there is some kind of repetition somewhere, thus the possibility that the scale levels are looping. It feels like the same question as when asking how many dimension levels there are. For now we do not know the full answer, but the most likely is that the number is infinite.
So now that I've explained how vortices determine our time branch. The next thing to do is explain what the consequences that these different time branches have. For this I'm going to tell you a little story.
The Journey of Major Tom
Major Tom is an astronaut who one day decides to take a daring trip into the unknown. He decides to explore the universe and boldly go where no man has gone before. He knows this is going to be a long trip. So before he steps into his rocket ship he pays his friends and family a final visit to tell them all goodbye. One of the friends he pays a visit is his long time companion known as Captain Earth. Captain Earth who is emotionally touched by his friends departure, decides to give his friend a little present that is meant to make them both remember each other. He opens a little box and inside are two identical atomic wrist watches. Both watches are set at the exact same time. He gives one of the watches to his friend Tom, and the other one he keeps to himself.
Major Tom bids his friend goodbye. Before he steps into his rocket he has one final conversation with ground control, discussing some important details about the flight and giving them an estimate of how long this mission is going to take and when they can expect for him to return. Once his rocket is fueled with liquid nitrogen he puts his helmet on and takes off from space center and flies away from planet earth. He leaves our solar system and then he proceeds to leave our galaxy. The sun and earth are now way behind him, too far for him to see.
The trip, which takes 10 full years to complete, brings him to the Andromeda Galaxy (lets just assume his ship is very fast). There he finds a binary star system with an inhabited world circling around one of the suns. He stays on this planet for nearly a whole year. During that time, he meets new friends, does a lot of hero stuff, saves one species from extinction, and introduces clean renewable energy technology to various primitive tribes.
When a full year has passed he decides to go home. He once again puts his helmet on and takes off in his rocket ship and takes the whole 10 year trip back to our Milky Way galaxy. But as he approaches the location of our sun, he notices something odd. The sun is not at the exact location as his on-board computer had predicted. In these 21 years that Major Tom was away from the Milky Way galaxy, the sun has moved itself a little bit along with all the other stars because of the rotational force of the galaxy. But the location is slightly offset compared to the predicted trajectory. Instead of only rotating around the center point of the galaxy, thus in a circle, all the stars also seem to have moved a little bit towards the center of the galaxy. On the outer edge of the galaxy, at the high end of the spiral arms, a few new stars have emerged.
Because a spiral galaxy takes millions of years to complete one full rotation, and the movement of the stars over 21 years is very little, the unexpected offset is also very little. If it wasn't for his accurate on-board computer, Major Tom would not have known that there was an anomaly. But Major Tom is a cool guy, he's our awesome hero. He decides that it is probably nothing serious and that there's nothing to worry about. He continues his trip to earth keeping his chin up and his back straight. But as he enters our solar system, he is about to discover something far more disturbing. All the planets of our solar system are at different positions then when he left. And earth is no longer a habitable planet. Planet earth is not so blue any more. He realizes he can no longer return to his friends and family. He can never return home.
Major Tom assumes that a major catastrophe has happened. Some major event took place that has killed my loved ones and has changed the solar system. But how could this happen? How can it be that earth sustained life for millions of years, and just in that little time I left this catastrophe took place that has changed everything within the solar system? What are the odds of that?
What Major Tom does not know is that his loved ones were never killed. Most of his friends and family lived out a normal life and died of old age. They lived well beyond the 21 years that Major Tom was away. Except that those lives took place in a different time branch. His loved ones followed a different course of history. Captain Earth lived out to be 80 years old. As he was lying on his deathbed and as he took one final glimpse at his atomic wrist watch, he recalled the last moment that he saw his friend. Which was, according to his wrist watch, exactly 45 years, 10 months and 18 days ago. Yet when Tom looks at his wrist watch, he sees that only 21 years have passed, yet Captain Earth, his friends and family, and the entire earth as he knew it do no longer exist. All of that has already ended long ago in a different time branch. When the 21 years had passed on earth, ground control tried to contact Major Tom, hoping he would be close enough again for radio contact. But despite that they tried to contact him for many years, they never got any response.
Major Tom does not know what to do, he doesn't know where to go. In a desperate state he decides to once again fly away from the Milky Way galaxy and hopefully find life somewhere else, far far away. He counts the number of protein pills he has left and estimates that he might still make it to the nearest galaxy. During his long trip, numerous questions cross through his mind. What has happened? Desperate as he is for answers he decides to ask his computer for help. His computer then takes a good look at the universe around them and senses that there's something wrong, out of the ordinary. Clever as the computer is, it then proceeds to scan the entire 360 degree universe around them to measure the Doppler shift. The results of the scan show that there is no trace of a major redshift. There is some redshift here, there is some blue shift there, but the major redshift that over-dominated in our universe is gone. The universe is no longer expanding.
The Doppler Effect
The Doppler effect, or Doppler shift, was named after Christian Doppler, who first discovered it in 1842. The Doppler effect is the change in wavelength of light, radiation or sound from a source due to its relative motion. This effect causes waves that are moving towards an observer to increase in frequency while those that move away from an observer decrease in frequency.
The Doppler effect can easily be demonstrated with sound waves. When a police car passes by, for example, the sound of its siren changes. The sound waves made by the moving police car are pushed closer together by its motion, so its sound seems to have a higher frequency ('pitch') than it would have if it was parked. In the same way, the sound waves from a receding police car sound as though they have a lower frequency. That effect occurs because of the compression or stretching of waves due to the movement of the source emitting them.
Originally Doppler thought that this effect only applied to sound, but later a scientist called Armande-Hippolyte-Louis Fizeau generalized Doppler's work by applying his theory not only to sound but also to light. In 1920s and 1930s, Edwin Hubble was measuring the Doppler shift of various stars in the night sky, and discovered that there were far more shifted towards the red spectrum (lower frequency) then the blue spectrum (higher frequency). Hubble concluded from this fact that the universe is constantly expanding outwards, and formulated Hubble's Law to approximate the rate of universal expansion.
Astronomers today see this universal redshift as one of the most important pieces of evidence that the universe is expanding. According to astronomers, the work done by Hubble should show that the universe is expanding at an increasingly faster rate, and that it is expanding in all directions. The cosmological model for the early development of the universe, known as the Big Bang theory, is based on the thesis of Doppler effect.
So if this universal redshift is telling us that the universe is expanding, then why did I end my story with Major Tom finding out that the redshift was gone? Was I just telling you a completely fictional story or are there elements in this story that are closer to the truth then we think at first? For this you need to ask yourself this question: what happens when we contract? We have seen numerous examples on this website of contraction and expansion, but nearly all those examples related to contraction and expansion of phenomena in our direct environment. We know more or less what happens when contraction and expansion in the world around us takes place, we see normal vortex movement. But what happens when we, not something in our environment contract?
A simpler way to get closer to the answer is to ask yourself what happens when we shrink. Shrinking is not the same as contracting (with contracting I refer to the type of contraction as explained on this website), but it helps to understand the effect of contraction. If we would have control over some magical device that could make us progressively shrink, then what would we experience? What would we see through our eyes? What we would see is not that we ourselves would shrink. It is not possible to see yourself shrink unless some other person who is not shrinking records it on camera and shows you that video on a screen. What we would experience is that the world around us appears to grow.
That it appears that the universe is expanding is the result of the same perceptual effect that the workings of a magical shrinking device has. It is caused by us contracting, and hereby making it appear that the universe is expanding. Two effects of this expanding of the universe around us are the Doppler redshift and dimensional shifting. And this dimensional shifting is actually causing the redshift. The reason that dimensional shifting has not yet been identified as one of several possible reasons for a Doppler shift is that it can only be observed in the macrocyclic scale level. We can not observe dimensional shifting here on earth because it does not occur here on earth. Everything we learned from the Doppler shift we learned by studying phenomena here on earth. Astronomers do not yet know that there is another phenomenon that can influence the Doppler shift. The vortices we see through the lens of the Hubble space telescope are shifting upwards, because we are drifting downwards. This drifting downwards is a form of contraction.
Our contraction is caused by the movement of the macrocyclic vortices in which we reside. Two of these vortices are the gravitational pull of our sun, and the swirl spiral that forms our Milky Way. Both of these vortices are pulling. They are causing relatively smaller astronomical objects within them to contract. Our earth is like a spaceship that is being pulled through the fabric of space in a never ending trip towards the lower dimensions. Our entire earth is contracting. But we do not experience ourselves or the earth getting smaller. Instead the observed effect is that the universe around us is constantly expanding.
What Happened to Major Tom?
When Major Tom left our solar system, he moved one step up in the hierarchy of time. As soon as he has left our solar system, and the suns gravity is no longer pulling on him, he and the earth are drifting apart in time. He is no longer moving towards the lower dimensions on the scale level of the disc spiral around the sun. But he is still moving towards the lower dimensions on the scale level of the swirl spiral that is our galaxy. For him, the earth that is behind him is now contracting. For the people on earth, he is expanding. To him, the earth now moves faster and faster. To the people on earth, he is now moving slower and slower. If Tom's computer would now make a scan of the universe it would find that some of the redshift has vanished. But the redshift still dominates the universe because Tom's rocket ship is still within the galaxy. When Tom exits our Milky Way, he moves another step up in the hierarchy of time. Now all of the major redshift is gone because we are no longer being pulled by the spiral galaxy. There's still some redshift here and some redshift there but it does no longer over-dominate.
As he is out of the galaxy, the earth to him is contracting and contracting. The earth and him are drifting apart in time. But this is not all. When Tom enters the Andromeda galaxy, he again starts contracting, but on a different node in the hierarchy then when he started, he is contracting in a different direction. This again makes him drift further apart from his loved ones.
What not possible for me to predict is the scale of the effect that moving up in each node of the hierarchy has. And thus it is also difficult to foresee what the impact would be of someone being out of the galaxy for 21 years. How much in time would Tom really drift apart from his loved ones? The effect of only the spiral galaxy should be small, because that vortex is very large and moves very slowly. But the disc spiral around our sun and the movement of the planets is a lot faster because that vortex is a lot smaller. And in between these two levels there could be other levels, with other vortices that influence our time branch. The story just gives a wild guess. It could be that the total effect, even from the smaller vortices, is so small that a 21 year trip is easy to make with no problems finding back your loved ones. But there is always at least some minor effect.
If the effect really is big like it is in the story, then this is bad news for Major Tom. Because there is no known way for him to find back his loved ones. If he moves back into the Milky Way he again starts contracting but always at the same speed as all other things in the spiral galaxy. For him to return to the earth as he knew it he must catch up with them again, but there is no other spiral galaxy on the same node in the hierarchy that has the same size as the Milky way but moves at a faster rate. Furthermore, it is not just the first vortex above us that controls our time, but every consecutive macrocosmic vortex in the hierarchy that is above us. It could be that all of them need to be speed up as well to achieve the effect of catching up in time. If the Milky Way itself would start to move faster then that would not help because everything else in that galaxy would also start to move faster and there would be no catching up. It is easy to drift apart from each other in time, but it is impossible to find each other back in time in the exact same state as when both parted. Even when both are back in the same node of the hierarchy, they both already have forever drifted apart in time.
And that's not all. Every macrocosmic vortex which Major Tom passed in his trip, and which did not share a node in the hierarchy of the earth's time branch, made him drift further apart from the earth as he knew. Major Tom entered the Andromeda galaxy, and in that galaxy he entered a solar system. Those were two levels that made him and the earth drift further apart. But there is also a vast space between the two galaxies, and within that space possibly many large vortices that also have influenced Tom's time branch. The result of this is that all the movement caused by all these vortices combined is very complex and impossible to precisely repeat again. It is unfeasible to repeat all of the exact same movements.
You should not feel worried about the fate of Major Tom. It turns out he did not have enough protein pills to make it to the nearest galaxy, but half way through he was picked up by a ship full of space vixens, who were glad enough to help him.
The Expansion of the Universe
From our understanding of the Doppler shift, we know that wavelengths increase when we move away from the source that emits those waves. Only a movement in one direction is sufficient to create this effect. We as an observer observe the effects of an increased wavelength when we ourselves move away from the source. In the case of the expansion of the universe, we believed that this form of movement could not be the cause for this observation. The universe is all around us, the stars are all around us, so it is logical to think that we as an observer can not move away from all stars that surround us in a 360 degree sky. So it is logical to think that the stars are performing the movement that makes the distance between them and us larger of time. But.. if we ourselves are able to shrink to a smaller size, then the space around us will appear to increase in size, and the effects will be that we see the stars move (shift) away from us. If the volume of space around us, and everything that is in that space increases in size, then the effect will be that the wavelengths of waves emitted by objects in that space will also increase in size, simply because the size of the waves increases. And thus the effect will be the measurement of a redshift from light waves emitted from distant sources.
It is insufficient to see contraction, the type of contraction as explained by the infinity theory, merely as the shrinking of things. Contraction is not identical to shrinking, but in many cases it does involve a decrease in volume. It is likely that distant galaxies are increasing in size, but it is more important to understand that distant galaxies are morphing into higher dimensional vortices, such morphing also includes a gradual increase in size (diameter, or width, height or depth), but not always an increase in volume (volume in some cases decreases when morphing upwards). Contraction is a form of movement. While a movement in the positive x or negative x direction can cause a Doppler shift (or in a +y/-y or +z/-z), so can a contraction towards the lower dimensions, or an expansion towards the higher dimensions also produce a Doppler shift. This movement is not possible to produce such an effect when both the source waves and the movements are made at a small local scale here on earth, but it can be induced by very large vortices that fill the outer space around our earth and around our planetary system. Vortices in which we ourselves as the observer reside.
When a vortex is big, like the size of a large tornado, or even the size of a hurricane. Then those vortices can not push or pull a human being towards the lower or higher dimensions, let alone that those vortices can push or pull an entire planet. The vortices need to be much bigger, astronomically large to be able to bring about such a movement. And it is only within those very large vortices that we much smaller human beings are said to 'reside', as 'residential matter', as described by the terminology on this website.
In the animation above, the blue object keeps rotating at the same speed as it spirals inward within the flow of the vortex. In the real universe, it is likely however that the object will rotate faster and faster as it spirals inward towards the center of the spiral. From our own perspective as an observer standing far outside the large vortex, we perceive the objects time velocity to progress faster and faster (hence the faster movement), while the time velocity of our own environment is perceived to remain the same. We ourselves do not start moving faster, and our days do not get shorter. Yet from the perspective of the object itself, the time of its own environment does not progress faster and faster either. And from the viewpoint of the object itself the surrounding space as a whole keeps expanding at the same speed, while the far galaxies itself will move slower and slower as they morph upwards, while new faster moving galaxies constantly emerge from the lower dimensions, filling in the empty space between the galaxies. It is important to say this, because in recent years astronomers have made the observation that the universe is expanding at an increasing rate. Measurements have been conducted by astronomers which have led to the believe that the universe is expanding at an increasing rate, but those observed measurements are not caused by the our planetary system spiraling faster and faster towards the center of the galaxy. The observation that suggests that the universe is expanding faster and faster has a different cause.
That the universe appears to be expanding at an increasing rate means that astronomers have concluded that the velocity at which a distant galaxy is moving away from the observer is continuously increasing over time. They have made this observation by measuring the red shift from supernovae in distant galaxies, and compared these measurements based on the various distances of these galaxies from our own galaxy. Here they found that the galaxies that are further away from us show a higher red shift than expected, which is believed to be caused by celestial objects accelerating away from us, thus their speed increasing over time as they move towards greater distances away from the Milky Way.
It is not difficult to imagine that this observed measurement was initially unexpected. If the expansion of the universe is caused by an explosion many billions of years ago, than one would expect the speed of the distant objects to decrease over time, or at most to remain more or less constant. An acceleration of the speed does appear to be contradictive to the theory of a big bang explosion. However, if there is an understanding that the expansion of the universe is attributed to the contraction, thus 'shrinking', of the observer, then the higher red shift of the more distant galaxies becomes a logical consequence. If the observer shrinks, then the universe around him appears to become larger in scale. And this observed enlargement, with us at the exact center of this enlargement (it is guaranteed to be the exact center because it is caused by the shrinking of the observer), stretches objects faster away from us when their distance is further away from us.

One more thing to say here is that the center of our own galaxy does not come closer to us as we progressively rotate around the center of the Milky Way galaxy. We do not appear to be spiraling from our own perspective here on earth. Only from the viewpoint of the observer standing far outside the large milky way spiral, we appear to spiral inwards. But of course, this movement is even in the last rotations very slow, and will take millions of years.
Why are Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 Decelerating?
The space probe Pioneer 10 was launched in 1972, and Pioneer 11 the following year. Aside from their missions to fly past Jupiter and Saturn respectively, they are on their voyage towards outer space in different directions from the Sun. The Pioneers have brought to light an extremely interesting phenomenon. By early 1980s, the accumulated data persistently showed that the probes were off course. The discrepancy between radio telemetry and calculations was small, yet significantly larger than what experimental error would allow. This meant that probes were exposed to an influence of unknown force, which was directed towards the Sun, just like the gravity itself, only much smaller in intensity [text from Articlesbase.com].
In other words, both Pioneer spacecraft are escaping from the solar system, and are slowing down under the influence of the sun's gravity. But they are slowing down more than expected. This anomaly has no universally accepted explanation and has spawned many different theories within the 30 years since this discovery. But this anomaly can never be explained without understanding contraction and expansion, and knowing about different time branches. The Pioneer spacecraft are leaving our solar system, thus they are moving up one step in the hierarchy of time. For us the Pioneer spacecrafts appear to be expanding, because they are moving less and less faster towards the lower dimensions than we are. For us it appears that the Pioneer spacecraft are moving towards the higher dimensions. In the higher dimensions time runs slower, thus for us the movement of the Pioneer spacecraft becomes slower. It is the same story as what happened to Major Tom as he left our solar system.
The good news about this is that the explanation that the infinity theory offers for the expansion of the universe is not something that is out of our possibility to test, although it does take some years to do so. What we need to do is send a probe on a voyage outside the solar system, and when that probe has escaped most of the sun's gravity, then make it measure the Doppler shift in the surrounding universe and send that data back to us. The total redshift measured should be significantly smaller than the redshift measured from a location here on earth. Only problem is that when the probe has shifted upwards too much then that probe can no longer send data back because to us the probe will seize to exist, eventually it will be no more than a cloud of gas.
The Universe is not Becoming More and More Empty
Because we observe a redshift in a majority of the galaxies in our universe we are bound to think that those galaxies are moving away from us, and thus that reaching those stars with a form of intergalactic travel would require an extra distance and a significant speed to catch up with those galaxies. This notion is incorrect. If we would be able to leave our galaxy with a spaceship then the major redshift would be completely gone, and the galaxies will no longer be moving away from us. As long as we're here on earth the galaxies are moving apart, but the space between those galaxies is not getting more empty. As we move further and further towards the lower dimensions new galaxies emerge within the empty space between other galaxies. The universe does appear to expand, but not in a way that it becomes more empty. The galaxies that move away from us due to the expansion also alter in appearance due to that same motion. The galaxies morph into higher dimensional galaxies until at some stage they become invisible to us because of them being too high dimensional, this happens long before those galaxies are too far away from us to see by telescope. All this effect of motion is the opposite reaction to our own movement, the movement of the observer.
Living in a different time branch is not the same as living in a different point in time. Different points in time still happen within one and the same time branch. Time branches are different courses of history, and each of these courses of history has its own set of points in time. Until now we humans envisioned time as a single one directional straight line. But with the discovery of the transformation sequence we need to change the way we think about time. A more correct representation of the time line of our universe should look more like a tree, like an hierarchical structure, with each of the branches representing one unique time branch.
To think about time as being dependent on the motion of the observer is not something new. This type of thinking was introduced by Albert Einstein in 1905 when he published his theory of special relativity (although there are a few older sources that link space and time, but not nearly as concrete as Einstein's). Before special relativity and general relativity, it was considered that the universe had three dimensions and that time was a separate element. By reassigning time as a fourth dimension and combining space and time into one scientists found a better way to describe the workings of the universe at both the super-galactic and subatomic levels.
There are parallels between special relativity and the infinity theory, and there are differences. Yet these differences do not imply that one of these two theories is for most part wrong. You need to understand what these differences mean and how each of these theories looks at the universe around us from a different perspective. Both perspectives can be correct and both theories are describing the same universe. Special relativity uses a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system as a basis. In that system the universe has three axes of movement, x, y, z.
Three axes of movement is not enough to explain some of the observed anomalies in physics. So for special relativity to be able to explain all these anomalies, a fourth element needs to be added that merges with the first three into a single manifold. Because the universe was considered to consist of no more than three axes of movement, a different element needed to be added as a fourth dimension. Time was added as the fourth dimension. If one doesn't let go of the assumption that there is no more than an x, y and z, then adding time as a fourth dimension is likely to be the most logical solution to deal with all the anomalies.
The infinity theory takes a different route. Instead of extending the Cartesian system with one or more elements of a different kind it extends the three dimensions to an infinite number of dimensions, and makes a clear distinction between the world as it is before the projection (with an infinite number of axes), and after the projection (with three axes). This because the universe, as seen through our human eyes, is still three dimensional. The world before the projection is described by the onefield system. The world after the projection is described by the Cartesian system. Time is still there, but not being treated as a fourth dimension. Instead, time is treated as an element that counterbalances the dimensions. As dynamic element that interacts with changes in dimensionality.
A limitation that we have to deal with right now is that the onefield system is the result of a projection. And we still do not know the workings of this projection. So you need to keep in mind that we do not know the equations that describe the model of the transformation sequence, nor do we know the math that describes how the dimensions of the onefield are projected into this model. There's a long road ahead to discover all these equations, and a long road ahead to bring all the math for this theorem to a workable level. It could take some years before the infinity theory can be used as a standard model of everything.
Time Velocity
When an object, pushed by a large vortex in which it resides, drifts towards the lower dimensions, then an observer that stays behind will see that object contract (from very far away that is). The object gets smaller and tighter and progressively moves faster and faster. But if that object is a person, another observer, than that observer does not experience himself contracting. So whenever I say that time runs faster in the lower dimensions, or that time runs slower in the higher dimensions, then what I mean is as seen by the observer that stays behind and is looking at the observer or object that has moved or is moving away from him. And in that observational point of reference it is only the speed of the object that changes, not time itself. For the person who is seeing the person or object move away time keeps running at the same speed. From the viewpoint of the observer that is moving away, time also keeps running at the same speed. Yet when he looks back, he sees the observer that stays behind expand and move slower and slower. Both are able to experience time running at the same speed while the observed speed in both directions is different, because of the existence of different time branches. Both observers are in a different time branch.
Thus as dimensionality decreases, time velocity increases. Higher dimensional means more projected space, and thereby more freedom of movement. Space and time operate as two opposites. Action and reaction. It was already said that for every action there is an equivalent and opposite reaction. This is one such example. The good news about this is that whenever we know the rate at which one of these two increases, we also know the rate at which the other one decreases. To form a better picture of how these two values change we need to do some thinking and look for clues in several different areas.
The best indication for the speed of increase of dimensionality in the various cycles of the sequence is the exponential curve as suggested by the Fibonacci sequence. This exponential curve shows us roughly how the number of meridians increase within the first half-cycle, and helps us to predict how this behavior might be within the subsequent half-cycles.
In the direction of the higher dimensions, dimensionality increases at a progressively faster rate. At such a rate, the numbers quickly grow towards infinity. But a number anywhere close to infinite is not reached within the first half-cycle, because far before that the movement reaches the EM crossing location, which in this case is the infinity ring. Nevertheless, the last vortex in the first half-cycle still contains a number of meridians that is relatively large.
We know that there is an EM crossing location to cross, we know that this steep curve in the graph is where we approach the infinity ring. If close before the infinity ring the numbers grow very rapidly, then what happens on the infinity ring itself or directly after? We know that beyond the infinity ring lie inward dimensions, where the waves travel inward. Inward dimensions are negative dimensions. So dimensionality must be negative. All values beyond the infinity ring are below zero. But are they low negative or high negative? Are the values directly beyond the EM crossing location close below zero or at minus infinite?
We know that EM crossing locations are located on mirror planes. The sequence on one side of the EM crossing location is in many ways the opposite of the sequence at the other side of the Em crossing location. Yet it is not an exact mirror effect that creates a perfect mirror image. Instead characteristics of that what lies at one side of the mirror plane are twisted by this mirror plane into a new form, but in a way that the characteristic of vortices are recognizable to their antipodes. The most likely answer here however is that the number of meridians at one side of the mirror is the exact opposite to that on the other side of the mirror. The numbers flip from a high positive number to a high negative number. The name infinity ring is thus not an accurate description of what happens at that first EM crossing location, but at subsequent EM crossing locations the numbers do reach closer and closer to infinity.
The graph below illustrates what I just explained. For now you only need to look at the blue line. That line indicates the value of dimensionality, dictated by the number of movements (meridians) in a vortex. Only the right half of this graph is what we described so far. Needless to say, we also need to determine what lies at the left side of the graph.
We know more or less how the curve looks like close to the zero point. The Fibonacci sequence tells us that this curve crosses the zero point at a low angle. If this was all we knew, and we would force ourselves to decide how the curve progresses beyond the zero point, then most of us would decide that the most logical scenario is that the curve continues directly after the zero point in the same way as it progresses before the zero point. Here, no value goes to infinite. But there is more than this. We know what kind of vortices lie directly after the zero point. After the zero point lie again negative dimensions, and among the first vortices that lie close after the zero point are the corona and the sun's magnetic field. Both these vortices are very tight vortices, low dimensional (yang), low freedom of movement. Here again the sequence before and after the EM crossing location are mirrored, just as we've seen with the infinity ring. The most probable scenario is that the curve progresses just as it did before the zero point, except as a mirror image of its positive self.
Now we go to the next phase. And this is to determine the curve for time velocity. We know that time runs slower as dimensionality increases. Thus the curve between the zero point and the infinity ring must be a curve that declines. First lets take a look at the movement of a vortex close to the zero point, the disc spiral. Imagine a particle at the start of the spiral arm, at the high end of the vortex, that moves at constant speed over the spiral arm all the way to the low end of the vortex. As the particle gets closer to the zero point, it progressively rotates faster and faster around that zero point. Movement thus appears to go faster and faster. The increase of speed is not linear. If we plot this speed out in graph we again get a logarithmic curve. As the movement approaches the zero point, the curve gets steeper and steeper. We also know that at the other end of the sequence, at the infinity ring, the speed of the vortices approaches zero. Here, its harder to tell how the curve crosses the EM crossing location. Lets for now assume that the time velocity curve crosses the the infinity ring at the same angle as the dimensionality curve at the zero point.
The final step is to determine how the time velocity curve progresses beyond both of these EM crossing locations. First we look at the zero point. We know that light travels very fast. If what we today know about light is correct, then the movement of light is the fastest movement that we know of. The corona is a vortex whose lines of movement also stretch out in all directions, except that it does not stretch out in all directions as straight as light does, and they do not stretch out perfectly to infinity. It is likely that in the corona, movement is also very fast, yet not as fast as light. This suggests that the curve here again is mirrored. And the most likely scenario is that the curve progresses further beyond the zero point in the same way as it did before the zero point.
Unfortunately, we do not know yet what vortex is located directly after the infinity ring. At the other end of the first half-cycle we can not use this same logic to find the correct answer. Still the mirroring of the sequence is the best answer we can give.
Now that we described the progression of both the dimensionality and the time velocity in the first two half-cycles of the transformation sequence, we are able to predict the progression of these values in the rest of the sequence. The first two half-cycles form the first cycle, the subsequent cycles then should be repetitions of that first cycle. Yet the curves could be scaled by a factor that increases the values both dimensionality and time velocity.
So... is there more we can conclude by looking at this graph? Well, there is one simple conclusion we draw from it and that conclusion concerns special relativity's concept of space and time. Dimensionality is about the subject of space, and time velocity is about the subject of time. So when we look at the graph, this is what we can say:
So this is what it comes down to. A broadening of our understanding of space and time. And what does this tell us? It tells us that what is written on this page agrees with a connection that is established by Einsteins Theory of Relativity, namely the connection between space and time. Yet the connection appears to be different, because it is based on a different approach, a different direction of establishing the connection. I am almost convinced that despite the different approach, we are in both situations describing the same correct phenomenon. Both link the same two elements together.
Knowing low and high dimensionality is a path to understanding space and time. The connection between this space and time is acknowledged from the standpoint of the infinity theory by understanding vortex motion, time branches, the speed of motion, and low and high dimensionality. It not only confirms this connection, but the infinity theory also broadens the knowledge of this connection in a way that it also becomes more understandable. At the same time, some of what we believed to be about this connection between space and time might fall out of place, because the theory presented here takes a different route at how space and time are connected. Yet the similarities might be greater.
I can only say that I have admiration for Einstein for being able to find this connection between space and time, which was not so obvious, and doing so in a time where much less information was available than there is today.
One more revelation that comes out of this is that in the negative dimensions, time velocity is negative. So time runs in the opposite direction. One would almost want to say that time runs backwards. But it is misleading to say that a negative time velocity is the same as time running backwards.
Time Dilation
In the theory of relativity, time dilation is a difference of the amount of time that has elapsed as measured by observers either moving relative to each other or who are in a situation where they are both unequally affected by gravitational mass. To simplify, velocity and gravity each slow down time as they increase. When an object is traveling at greater speed, the amount of time that has elapsed is lower than that of an object traveling more slowly. And when an object is pulled in more strongly by gravity, the amount of time that has elapsed is also lower than that of an object that is less affected by gravity. The effects would be great if the objects were traveling near the speed of light, but they are small within the limited velocities that astronauts today can achieve. After 6 months on the International Space Station (ISS), the astronaut crew has aged less than those on Earth, but only by about 0.005 seconds.
In the infinity-theory, the velocity of our percepted time is controlled by the macrocyclic vortex, thus the very large vortex, in which we ourselves reside. We know that a change in dimensionality on a mesocyclic scale has an opposite effect on the dimensionality in the microcyclic scale. If an object travels at great speed, its dimensionality on a mesocyclic scale decreases, because faster speeds is lower dimensional. This we also find in the type of vortex that an airplane forms when traveling at great speeds. An airplane that travels at great speeds makes the movement of the spire (that movement of the spire is the reason that an inversion can occur that creates a sonic boom and a shock cone when the speed surpasses the sound barrier). When the dimensionality on a mesocyclic scale decreases, the dimensionality on a microcyclic scale increases. But when dimensionality on a mesocyclic scale decreases, we do not expect that the dimensionality on a macrocyclic scale would increase as well just like the microcyclic effect. Because the airplane, or we better say spaceship, forms just a very small movement within a very large vortex, so small that it can not affect the larger vortex. Yet as stated by the theory of relativity, time runs slower, and that speed of time, according to the infinity-theory is influenced by that large vortex in which we reside. Time is a macrocyclic effect. Thus the spaceship that travels fast does seem to behave as if it resides within an macrocyclic vortex that is higher dimensional than when it is traveling at lower speeds.
From here I can say that there are two possible explanations for time dilation. The first explanation is that the spaceship behaves as if it resides within a macrocyclic vortex that is higher dimensional when traveling at greater speeds because it breaks away from that vortex. The airplane is less and less influenced by the very large vortex because it is no longer contained by that vortex when traveling near the speed of light. It no longer resides within that vortex even though it is still within its volume. So when that macrocyclic vortex is low dimensional, and the space around that large vortex it is higher dimensional, then the airplane behaves according to the macrocyclic effects of that higher dimensional space when traveling near the speed of light. It takes quite some energy for a vehicle to travel at great speeds, and thus quite some energy to break away from the macrocyclic vortex in which it resides. Its speed should be the reason why this happens. A further explanation could be that because the macrocyclic vortex moves very slowly, a very fast speed at any location within that vortex can not be a part of that vortex's movement itself.
The second possibility is that time dilation is only a microcyclic effect, and thus the cause is the decrease in dimensionality on a mesocyclic scale that increases the dimensionality on a microcyclic scale. Because this higher dimensionality on a microcyclic scale atoms move slower. Proof for the existence of time dilation today is demonstrated with the help of using atomic clocks, which use the wave signals from electrons in atoms, or from experiments with the decay of particles. Those experiments could be influenced by movement becoming more slowly on the microcyclic scale when dimensionality on the microcyclic scale increases. In that case there should be no time dilation, and the anomaly effects that we measure in the clocks of astronauts is a physical effect caused by movement of particles moving more slowly for reasons we had not priorly understood. Same as when temperature increases or decreases, which influences the speed of the electrons within the atomic clock, and which was a factor that we already understood. The speed at which the atomic clock travels is also a factor that influences the speed the electrons in the atomic clock, and which was a factor that we did not already understood.
If the first possibility is the correct one, then that explanation does not dispute with Einsteins theory, instead it provides a deeper explanation as to why the observed effects happen. If the second possibility is the correct one, then that explanation does not confirm whether Einstein's theory is correct, nor does it dispute the theory. Because all it does is point out that that particular method of providing proof for the theory of relativity was a flawed one, but does not eliminate the possibility of finding adequate proof by means of other methods.
Is Time Travel Possible?
The reason I'm not so keen to say that time runs backwards is because of the expectations people might get when reading those words. Because just as there is no way for Major Tom to find back his loved ones, there is no way for us to find back a moment in time that occurred somewhere in the past. If we enter a macrocyclic vortex of negative time velocity, then we just enter a new time branch. For us, all time perception still appears to be normal. Time does not appear to run backwards and we drift apart from anything that is not within that same same time branch. If we try to get back to what we left behind, we face the same problems that Major Tom faced when he tried to get back to the earth as he once knew. There is no known way to move back in time to relive events that happened long ago within the same time branch. It is still possible to speed up time and slow down time as a macrocyclic effect, but the bigger this effect is the more it takes place in a different time branch, which will alienate / disunite the person who is time traveling from the time branch at which that person started the journey. As far as we know, from all the information that is presented on this website, time travel is not possible.
It is logical that most astronomers today believe that the universe is expanding. The Doppler shift shows us the clear facts and this combined with what we know today tells us that most galaxies are moving away from us. Yet what we failed to understand is that there is another possible reason for a redshift. One that can only be observed in space. That other possible reason is dimensional shifting, caused by movement of the observer. It is this shifting that is causing most of the major redshift in the universe around us.
This brings us to the difficult question: is the universe expanding or not? Well, this dimensional shifting is a type of expansion, and this expansion is not an illusion, it is really happening. Just because the observed movement of the universe around us is caused by our own movement does not mean that that movement is not happening. It all comes down at how we choose to look at things. What I myself prefer to do, and what I think most people will prefer to believe when they fully understand contraction and expansion, is to say that we, not the universe around us, are moving.
I can imagine that for some of you it will take time to fully understand what is happening here. The easiest way to put it is to see contraction and expansion as a direction of travel. We are constantly moving towards the lower dimensions and thereby the universe around us is changing because we are constantly seeing new parts of the universe. Everything around us appears to be moving towards the higher dimensions. But it is not that the universe is changing as a whole because of some sort of reaction that is brought about by our movement. Those who stay behind are still seeing the same universe, only we are seeing the universe change in the way that we observe it. Just think about the example I gave about the magical shrinking device. If we are shrinking, then the world around us appears to be growing. But those who are standing in the same room and are not shrinking are still seeing the same world. From strictly your own perspective it is legitimate to say that the world is growing. But just because we alone are seeing a different world doesn't make it sound right to say that whole world is changing. That would be a very egocentric thing to say wouldn't it? It would mean you would place yourself above anyone else that is standing in that same room, even despite the fact that you yourself are now a lot smaller than they are.
The most logical thing to say is that it is us who are contracting, not that the universe is expanding. And this contraction, brought about by the movement of the observer is what we have given a specific name, because it is a specific type of contraction. The word 'shifting' is used for the movement in the surrounding world that is seen by an observer that is contracting or expanding (shifting downwards or shifting upwards), and for the movement of the observer himself it are the words 'drifting downwards' and 'drifting upwards' that are used. So when dimensional shifting takes place then the observer can either say that the world around him is shifting upwards or he can say that he himself is drifting downwards. Both imply the same phenomenon.
All content on this site that is authored by Peter.A.Venis is licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, unless otherwise mentioned. Most pages on this website also include material from other authors, under different licenses. Both the author's names and the licenses are mentioned in the file names whenever this information is known and can be provided. The presence of work from other authors on this website does not necessarily imply that those authors endorse the contents of this website. |
A word that is often used on this website is the word 'vortex'. Many sources describe a vortex as a movement in a fluid that has a rotational flow. Yet many of the vortices that I describe on this website do not show a visible rotational flow. I took the liberty of using the word vortex for describing a phenomenon that had not been understood before, one that links together rotational and non-rotational movements. Even a movement in a straight line can in some cases be categorized as a vortex, if it is known that that movement is created by certain identical conditions. So keep in mind that the word 'vortex', within the context of the infinity-theory, has not the exact same meaning as other sources describe. |